M.S.T., Designer, Maker, and Educator. 

Steve Gordon is currently designing, building, prototyping and publishing a wide variety of puzzles, games, mazes and maze merchandise.

To see the latest amazing stuff Steve is designing, building, or tinkering with, follow him on Instagram or Facebook

Steve Gordon was born with a creative spirit and has acted as an agent of change throughout his adult life.  Mr. Gordon’s professional career spans a wide variety of fields. He has worked in high tech marketing and sales, as a pioneer in web design and e-commerce and as a developer and instructor of corporate training before earning his Masters in Education.

For twelve years Mr. Gordon taught earth, space, physical and life science to middle and high school students in suburban public and private schools. He was not your ordinary science teacher! Mr. Gordon challenged the status quo by implementing different teaching approaches, taking students outside the walls of the traditional classroom and putting technology in the hands of students and allowing them to explore the world around them.

Mr. Gordon was active in the ScratchEd and Starlogo communities introducing these programming and modeling technologies to his students. 

He has collaborated with organizations, businesses and individuals introducing the power of play to produce their educational outcomes including engaging curriculum, interactive exhibits, puzzles, mazes and games as well as entire events focused on informal learning experiences outside the classroom.. These organizations include Space Park and Meadowscaping for Biodiversity .

As a leading maze maker Mr. Gordon has been creating maze challenges small enough to trace with a pencil or so huge explorers need to trace and re-trace their footsteps! He has a book of colorful and clever mazes, “Amazing Stuff 1” poised for publication.

Mr. Gordon earned a Masters of Science in Teaching in Secondary Geosciences Education from Boston College and holds B.S. degrees, in the Management of Technology and in Computer Science from University of Maryland, University College. He has completed coursework at Harvard’s extension school in innovation, instructional design as well as educational media development to support “flipping” the classroom.


Mr. Gordon is a member of many game and puzzle design organizations. He is an active member in Boston’s Game Makers Guild designing, prototyping and testing a wide range of table-top games.

For over forty years, Steve has been active outdoors as an Ultimate Frisbee player and coach at the local, national and international levels.

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